Synttärini olivat noin viikko sitten, ja aivan sattumalta Amazon toimitti samana päivänä postiluukustni iät ajat sitten tilaamani kirjan, pitsiasiantuntija Pat Earnshawin "How to Recognise Machine Laces". Voi onnea! Kirjan kansi voisi ehkä olla hiukan elegantimpi, mutta viis kannesta kun sisältö on täyttä tavaraa.
On my birthday about a week ago, just by coincidence, mailman brought me a book I had ordered from Amazon ages ago: "How to Recognise Machine Laces" by Pat Earnshaw. Oh, happiness! Although the cover could be a tad bit more elegant, I'm completely satisfied with the contents.

The book is full of clear close-up photographs and even more clear diagrams, which show the features of different machine-made laces, from early 18th century hand-powered machines to modern computerised giants. Of course the book also guides the reader to tell apart handmade laces from machine-made laces.

In the right hand upper corner the same type of lace as in the photo in the book, made by lace curtain machine.
Pat Earnshaw on mielestäni pitsikirjoittajista asiantuntevin. Hän on perusteellinen, aina eksakti ja tarkka, mutta hänen tekstissään on myös mahtavaa kuivaa huumoria. Minua ainakin huvittaa seuraavan lainauksen luoma mielikuva rouvista, jotka pyrkivät säilyttämään eleganttiutensa mutta silti pääsemään jotenkin niin lähelle toisten pitsejä, että pystyvät tarkistamaan ovatko ne käsin vai koneella tehtyjä.
Pat Earnshaw is my favourite lace writer; the most exact and thorough, but her writing also has some dry humour. Just read the following excerpt and imagine the curious ladies trying in a graceful way to get so close to each others' laces that they can figure out if they are hand or machine made.
"...machine laces were, by the 1850s to 70s, achieving a standard of excellence that few of the hand laces could match, while the details of the copies were so meticulous that only by the extreme incivility of approaching their noses so closely towards the lace that they almost wiped against it could the curious ladies discover the truth of its origin and perhaps, maliciously, dislcose a pretension."
Lyhyesti sanoen, aivan loistava kirja niille jotka haluavat perehtyä syvällisesti pitsikoneisiin. Niille, joita asia ei juurikaan kiinnosta, ei tätä kirjaa voi suositella :D.
In short, a must-have book for lace machine enthusiasts. For others, probably better to avoid it :D!
Talvi on tullut, lumi on kaunista! Winter is here and snow looks beautiful!