lauantai 13. maaliskuuta 2010

Wien part 1

Wieninreissu oli aivan ihana, joskin hiukan kalsa. Yleensähän sitä arvelee Suomesta poistuessaan päätyvänsä johonkin lämpimämpään... nyt oli talvitakista iloa. Kuvassa Stephansdom, kuuluisa katedraali, jonka aivan lähinurkilta olin onnistunut varaamaan hotellin (tekemättä juurikaan taustatutkimusta mihin kannattaisi majoittua). Kyseessä siis kuvass näkyvä Hotel Royal. Erittäin kätevä paikka liikuskelun kannalta! The trip to Vienna was wonderful, although a bit cold. Usually one expects the weather to be warmer outside of Finland, but in this case the winter coat really came in handy. Here's perhaps the most famous symbol of Vienna, the St. Stephen Cathedral. By luck me & my husband had reserved a hotel about 100 meters from this place (with minimal amount of research) so it was very convenient. You can see the hotel in the photo, it's called Hotel Royal.

Luonnohistoriallisen museon upeaa arkkitehtuuria.
Some magnificent architecture from Natural history museum.

Belvederen palatsialueen Palmutalo, upea paikka, suosittelen kaikille Wieninmatkalaisille!
Palm House at Belvedere Park, really beautiful place which I recommend everyone going to Vienna to visit!

Just some beige tones / hiukan luonnonrusehtavia sävyjä.

Look how happy a boring block building looks with dots! / Tylsä kuutiotalo näyttää paljon pirteämmältä pilkutettuna!

The commonest lace sighting in Vienna - cafe curtains / Wienin yleisin pitsinäkymä, kahvilan verhot.

Taidehistoriallisessa museossa sai ihastella monia hhyvin tarkkaan piperrettyjä muotokuvia, joissa kuvattavan pitsikalvosimille ja -kauluksille suotiin vähintään yhtä paljon huomiota kuin kasvoille. Näitä voisi käytännössä pitää pitsikaavoina! Ylemmän leidin kalvosimet hollantilaista nyplättyä pitsiä, alemman ommeltua pitsiä.
At the Art History Museum one could enjoy dozens of portraits, where the sitter's laces were painted with at least as much care and detail as faces. Those laces could be practically copied from the paintings! Upper lady wears Dutch/Flemish bobbin lace, the lower one needlepoint lace.

Just a charming picnic scene from 16th century / suloinen piknikkohtaus 1500-luvulta.

I did visit MAK museus of applied arts, and their lace room. Laces were exquisite BUT I have a major complaint. Due to some stupid philosophy ("some visitors are annoyed by texts" WTF!?!?) the museum does not give information about each object next to it, but instead they were given in little pamphlets. Well, the pamphlets in the lace room had run out and it was not possible to get them anymore. So there was one of the most remarkable lace collections in the world (as the info text on the wall said) but no way of knowing which lace was what and how it got there. Of course I could date and place some of the laces approximately, but I'd have preferred to know exactly instead of guessing. I can't express my contempt for their dumb philosophy.

Anyway, if you want to see some high-quality examples, and are not annoyed too much about the missing info, go and check Mak. Besides the lace and venetian glass room, there are delightful colourful bebilla knotted needle laces downstairs. Trimmings in the shape of flowering trees and plants, too bad it was not allowed to photograph there...

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